Amertha Bhavani Goes to Czech Republic, Day 13 (Aug 26, 2013) - Prague

by - 4:07 PM

So sad to have farewell with Andrew :(. But yeaa, we had to continue our journey. So today we were moving to Prague! I was so excited because this time we were going to experience Prague for real. We went there by train with the Venezuelans. I was very happy when I arrived. I loved the station already. I spotted Sephora and Burger King.
Welcome again to Prague!

First time experiencing a tram

We stayed at Hotel Fortuna Rhea with the Venezuelans. As we arrived, we had lunch there. And guess what? We had performance that afternoon! After lunch we went to our rooms and getting ready quickly.

A church around the venue


Met a woman who looks like Naya Rivera

After the performance, we went inside the church. It was small but nice. A guy was selling some souvenirs inside and I bought some postcards. I actually took pictures of the church inside but they are all blurry. We went back to the hotel and met the first Mexican group we had met back in Šumperk.

Dinner at the hotel again

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