Long Weekend in Jogja, Day 3 (May 15, 2015) - Part 1 (Last Day)
Hari terakhir gw dan Ayu misah setengah hari karena punya rencana masing-masing. Ayu mau ke rumah tantenya, sedangkan gw disuruh nyokap ketemu temennya seorang romo yang bertugas di Gereja Santo Mikael di Pangkalan TNI AU Adisucipto. Gw nggak tau orangnya kayak gimana dan baru kenalan dan berhubungan lewat WA sama telefon di sini.
Siang itu, gw naik taksi menuju pangkalan. Gw nggak menyangka akan memulai petualangan gw hari itu di sini. Nggak pernah sekalipun dengan sengaja masuk ke pangkalan TNI, jadi gw agak nggak percaya membawa diri gw ke sini. Tiap ngeliat rumah dinas, selalu keingetnya film G 30 S-PKI. Tapi di sini beda, dengan dominasi warna biru muda dan putih bikin kesan nyaman dan nggak nyeremin.
Akhirnya gw nemu gerejanya dan langsung menuju pastoran. Gw diminta nunggu sebentar dan setelah beberapa menit keluarlah Romo Yos. Bintoro, Pr. atau panggilan akrabnya Romo Yote. Ngobrol-ngobrollah kita mulai dari ngomongin nyokap, sejarah paroki ini, sampe dikasih buku biografi Adisucipto yang ditulis Romo Yote sendiri. Terus gw diajak masuk ke gerejanya. Seumur-umur, gw baru tau kalo baru pertama kali masuk gereja yang belum pernah kita datengin sebelumnya, kita bisa doa minta 3 permohonan.
On the last day, Ayu and I went out separately following our own plans. Ayu was going to her aunt's place while I was going to meet my mother's friend who is a priest. He does his service at St. Mikael Church at Adisucipto Military Base.
I took a taxi to go to there. I've never imagined that I will bring myself to a place like this. The houses look nice and clean with blue and white colour. I arrived at the church and met Romo (romo=a priest/father) Yos. Bintoro, Pr. or I simply call him Romo Yote. We talked about my mom, the history of the church, and he even gave me biography book of Adisucipto that he wrote. I was taken to look inside the church. I just knew that we could ask for 3 wishes every time we visit a church we've never been before.
With Romo Yote |
Setelah itu, gw dibawa romo ke tempat lain dengan mobil pinjaman temennya. Sebelum keluar dari pangkalan, gw diajak muter keliling komplek. Gw liat ada model pesawat dan Museum Pusat TNI AU. Museum keliatan rame dan gw pengen banget masuk tapi sayangnya nggak ada waktu.
On the way, romo bingung nentuin pilihan tempat namun akhirnya diputuskan ke Ganjuran. Sesampainya, gw cukup amazed dengan tempatnya. Walau jaraknya jauh, tapi sangat worth it! Bangunan gerejanya kental banget dengan adat Jawa, rada mengingatkan gw dengan gereja St. Stefanus di Cilandak versi tanpa pintu. Kebetulan lagi ada sakramen pernikahan. Berhubung kepo, gw jadi tamu/fotografer tak diundang.
He drove me to different place with a car borrowed from his friend. Before we left the base, he took me around. I saw airplane model and Museum Pusat TNI AU. The museum looked crowded and I really wanted to go inside but my time was limited.
On the way, he was confused choosing between two destinations. Finally he chose Ganjuran. As I arrived, I was pretty amazed with the place. Even though it is far, but it is really worth it! The church is rich with Javanese culture. And there was holy matrimony being held.
He drove me to different place with a car borrowed from his friend. Before we left the base, he took me around. I saw airplane model and Museum Pusat TNI AU. The museum looked crowded and I really wanted to go inside but my time was limited.
On the way, he was confused choosing between two destinations. Finally he chose Ganjuran. As I arrived, I was pretty amazed with the place. Even though it is far, but it is really worth it! The church is rich with Javanese culture. And there was holy matrimony being held.
Selain gereja, di area ini ada juga candi yang menarik banyak pengunjung. Candi ini memiliki perpaduan unsur Eropa, Hindu, dan Jawa tentunya. Di dalam candi ada patung Yesus. Nggak cuma umat Katolik, semua pemeluk agama juga bisa berdoa di sini. Kata romo, banyak orang ke sini selain untuk berdoa juga minta pencerahan.
Sebelum masuk ke candi, pengunjung bisa membersihkan diri dulu dengan air suci yang ada di samping. Air suci juga bisa ditampung di wadah untuk dibawa pulang. Pengunjung lalu duduk menunggu giliran di dasar candi. Atau, yang nggak mau masuk bisa juga duduk di kursi yang disediakan di depan candi sambil berdoa.
Beside church, in this area there is a temple which attracts many visitors. The temple combines European, Hindu, and Javanese elements. There is Jesus statue inside the temple. Not only the Catholics, but also other religion could pray here.
Before going inside the temple, visitors can clean themselves with holy water provided on the side. The water could also be taken home. Visitors then sit at the base of temple to wait for their turn. Or, for those who don't want to go inside can sit on the chairs provided in front of the temple while praying.
Gw udah sempet duduk ngantri di dasar candi. Eh, tiba-tiba hujan. Berteduhlah gw dan pengunjung lainnya ke tempat yang udah disediakan sambil duduk lesehan di atas tikar. Awalnya, masih sabar nungguin. Lama-lama antriannya nggak jelas dan gw disalip. Akhirnya gw mengurungkan niat untuk masuk ke candi dan mencari romo. Dia ada di pastoran dan gw diminta ke sana.
Begitu masuk, udah ada 3 romo lainnya. Gw pun berkenalan dengan Romo Rudi (yang pimpin sakramen pernikahan tadi), Romo Herman, dan Romo Kris. Perasaan kok gw familiar banget sama yang namanya Romo Herman. Setelah ditelusuri, ternyata dia sempet tugas di Boyolali alias kampung gw dan kenal baik sama pakde gw, pantes aja nggak asing. Sama Romo Kris, gw ditawarin kopi. Katanya kopi racikan sini oke punya. Gw yang sebenernya bukan penggemar kopi nurut aja dibuatin kopi Robusta, katanya lebih ringan dibanding Arabica. Kopi pun tiba dan gw disarankan minumnya pake gula batu. Rasanya? Yaa menurut gw sih pahit sepet-sepet gimana gitu. Namanya juga bukan pakar kopi, nggak ngerti ini enak atau nggak. Gw berakhir berbincang-bincang dengan para romo ngomongin berbagai hal. Seru juga ya ternyata.
I actually already waited for my turn but suddenly it rained. Me and the others moved to the shelter. I was willing to wait still at first but then the queue was getting unorganized. I decided to find Romo Yote. He was at the presbytery and I was asked to go there.
When I came inside, there were three other priests. I introduced myself to Romo Rudi (who led the holy matrimony), Romo Herman, and Romo Kris. I thought I had met Romo Herman somewhere before. Then I found out that he had done his service in Boyolali, which is my hometown and he knew my uncle very well. That's why. Romo Kris offered to make me a coffee. He said they got a nice one here. I, who actually am not a coffee lover, agreed to be made Robusta coffee. He said it is lighter than Arabica. The coffee was ready and I was suggested to drink it with sugar cubes. The taste? Well, I think it was bitter, that's it. Since I'm not a coffee expert, I didn't know whether it was good or not. I ended up talking about many things with them. Talking with them was quite enjoyable and I had a great time.
With Romo Rudi, Romo Herman, and Romo Kris |
Selesai dari situ, gw tersadar belum makan dan perut udah keroncongan. Romo tadinya mau ngajak makan pecel di tempat langganannya tapi tutup, akhirnya kita makan soto di Soto Pak Soleh Al Barokah. Lumayan lah buat mengisi kekosongan perut gw ini. Terus gw dianter ke Malioboro dan bersatu kembali dengan Ayu.
From there, I just realised that I had not had my lunch. The priest was going to take me to eat pecel at his favourite place but unfortunately it was closed. We ended up having soto at Soto Pak Soleh Al Barokah. After that he drove me to Malioboro and I met Ayu again.
Soto Pak Soleh Al Barokah |
Sotonya Terasa Lebih nikmat dimakan waktu pagi,dimakan pake krupuk makin lahap.
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