Long Weekend in Jogja, Day 3 (May 15, 2015) - Part 2 (Last Day)

by - 11:50 PM

Seketemunya gw dengan Ayu, gw nemenin dia pilih-pilih barang di Mirota. Setelah itu kita ke Alun-alun Utara deket penginapan buat cari wedang ronde. Dipikir bakal rame gitu taunya kok sepi, jadi kita malah jalan keliling satu putaran alun-alun. Ngelewatin keraton, ternyata lagi ada pertunjukan tarian. Nggak tau jalan masuknya dari mana, gw cuma ngepoin dari balik pager.

As I met Ayu again, I accompanied her choosing things to buy at Mirota. After that, we went to Alun-alun Utara which is near our guest house to find wedang ronde (a ginger soup with peanut balls). I thought it was going to be crowded but it wasn't so we ended up walking around. Passing the palace, there was a dance performance.

Di penginapan kita sempetin dulu untuk photoshoot. Tamu bisa pinjem baju dan foto di berbagai sudut. Penginapan ngasih fasilitas ini secara cuma-cuma. Lumayan banget latarnya juga mendukung.

At the guesthouse, we did a photoshoot. Here, the guests can borrow clothes and take pictures around the corner. The guesthouse provides this facility for free.

Puas foto-foto, kita cari becak dan minta supirnya untuk dianter ke tempat makan terdekat yang nyediain bakmi Jawa. Kita udah nggak peduli penjualnya yang penting makan bakmi Jawa karena belum kesampean. Begitu tiba dan makan, puasnya minta ampun, untung enak. Gw sukanya mie godok nyemek yang kuahnya sedikit.

Done with photoshoot, we looked for becak and asked the driver to take us to close eating places that provide bakmi Jawa (Javanese noodle). We didn't care for any particular seller since we were already craving for it.

Lalu, petualangan malam pun dimulai! Puas makan kita menuju Alun-alun Kidul, di sini jauh lebih rame dibanding Alun-alun Utara. Banyak pilihan makanan walau kebanyakan bakmi Jawa dan wedang ronde. Yang bikin rame tentunya sepeda mobil warna-warni yang hits itu. Selain itu ada pohon beringin yang bikin orang-orang penasaran. Berdasarkan pengalaman, orang yang ditutup matanya nggak pernah bisa berhasil jalan lurus melewati pohon ini walau badannya udah diarahin.

And let the night adventure begins! After filling our stomach, we were heading to Alun-alun Kidul. Here is more crowded than Alun-alun Utara. There are many choices of food although it's mainly bakmi Jawa and wedang ronde. One that makes it crowded is the popular neon car bike. Besides, there is also a legendary banyan tree. Based on experiences, a person could never walk straight passing the trees with their eyes blindfolded although their body was directed.

Tugu Jogjakarta

Sepanjang Jalan Margo Utomo juga menarik untuk dilalui dengan jalan kaki. Sebenernya kita udah kepo sama satu angkringan yang selalu rame tiap kita lewat sini, namanya Angkringan Garing Petruk. Ampun, display makanannya menarik banget serasa mau dicoba semua. Ada nasi kucing yang buanyak banget macemnya dan segala lauk ada. Sangat menggugah selera. Sayangnya, gw udah kenyang jadi cuma nyobain beberapa sate lauknya. Minuman yang harus dicoba susu jahenya. Mereka mengklaim pake susu sapi segar dan gw sampe terdiam ngeliatin itu susu diambil dari panci yang masih panas sampe asapnya ngepul. Masalah rasa, okelah rasa sate-satenya. Susu jahenya juga super enak. Komposisi susu dan jahenya pas, rasa jahenya nggak terlalu strong.

Margo Utomo street is also interesting to be explored on foot. Me and Ayu were already curious with one particular angkringan (small food stall located on the side of the road) that is always crowded every time we passed. It's called Angkringan Garing Petruk. The food display is to-die-for, you almost want to try them all! There are many kinds of nasi kucing (rice in small portion) and its side dishes. Very tempting. However, I felt very full so I just tried some of the side dishes. The must-try drink is the ginger milk. They claim to use fresh milk. I was speechless looking the milk taken from the smoky hot pot. The side dishes taste okay. The milk taste so good! The composition of the milk and ginger is just right, the ginger taste is not overpowering.

The 101 Hotel, loving the look

Susu Jahe / Ginger Milk

Beralih dari situ, kita jalan terus lagi ke Malioboro. Kali ini benar-benar merasakan Malioboro yang sesungguhnya. Keramaian, lampu-lampu, andong yang berlalu-lalang, semuanya terasa lebih 'hidup' di waktu malam walau jalanan ini sendiri nggak pernah sepi. Dan gw baru tau di sini ternyata juga ada street performance yang cukup menghibur.

After that we walked to Malioboro street. This time we really feel the real Malioboro. The crowd, lights, andong (horse ride) passing, everything seems to be more alive at night although the street itself is never quiet. I just knew that there are also some street  performances here.

Jalan terus lagi ke Jl. KH Ahmad Dahlan bisa duduk istirahat sekaligus nongkrong gratis. Sekedar menikmati suasana keramaian malam udah jadi hiburan tersendiri. Mana ada waria ngamen yang super kocak (bukan yang ngeselin) makin bikin terhibur.

Walking further to KH Ahmad Dahlan street we could sit and  rest. Being with the crowd and watching people was enough. There were some drag queens which I think could really entertain us.

Love locks

Malam yang berkesan ini menjadi penutup rangkaian liburan singkat gw di Jogja. Terima kasih Ayu udah jadi partner jalan-jalan kali ini, lumayan banget ya melepas kepenatan di tengah hecticnya kuliah. Looking forward to another trip!

That lively night ended my long weekend trip in Jogja. Thank you Ayu for being my travel partner this time during our hectic college life. Looking forward to another trip!

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